Theadok is currently in beta development. Be aware, that some functions, the layout of the website and some of the data needs further adaption. If you find erroneous data or if you have some suggestions for useful functions, please contact us:

Image credits

Performance: Queer Souvenir on Tour. Photo by Brigitte Marschall

We collect data for research on performances of theater and dance. The geographical focus is Austria. Our aim is not a complete inventory of performances in Austria, instead we work on a model to process research data on performances.

There is data on about 30.000 performances, that is either produced or staged in Austria. It covers the time span 1945 to 2001.
Theadok is a contribution to a developing digital infrastructure for theatre research projects. Sharing data is a crucial aspect in building this infrastructure up.
Theadok invites projects and individuals to work with us, if they like to put their data into a digital platform.